Coffee & Hustle Podcast

Intergenerational Communication

November 18, 2021 Coffee & Hustle Podcast Season 2 Episode 125

I’m Carla with Designedbycarla and joining this podcast discussion is Peyton Guy, is the Jr. Cybersecurity Engineer with  H2L Solutions, Inc. (H2L). H2L specializes in Cyber & Information Assurance and provides Cyber Security solutions for government and commercial customers. 

Welcome and thank you for taking time out today Peyton. Give our listeners, the background on H2L Solutions. 

H2L Solutions is a HUBZone and Service Disabled Veteran cybersecurity company based here in Huntsville, Alabama.

Peyton, Still attending college at UAH. Explain Your Degree... How did you get started with H2L Solutions as an intern? How does one in this field get involved with an internship? How important is it to go and network with your industry? 

Awarded the “Inc 5000 2021” as one of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies. You ranked #2,278 and the only Alabama-based “Security” firm to be recognized.  

When you started H2L Solutions, did you have a vision of the company goals? 

What are the biggest challenges you see in Cyber Security? Do we share too much information online? 

What is your favorite part of being in this industry? Have you seen changes that concern you?

Let's discuss your Conspiracy Theory and how this is going to affect the Cyber community?

Getting to know Peyton with our random questions. Thank you, Peyton Guy, and thank you for listening to today’s episode - Intergenerational Communication” on the Coffee & Hustle podcast. 

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